2 Disadvantages & Side Effect Of Too Much Vitamin C In The Body

October 29, 2018

Vitamin C is a normally happening, water-dissolvable vitamin found in a wide range of sorts of foods grown from the ground, and can likewise be taken as a dietary enhancement for its potential medical advantages, for example, its cancer prevention agent properties. In spite of its potential medical advantages, vitamin C has a few detriments too, for example, the hazard for creating symptoms while ingesting extensive dosages of the supplement. Similarly as with every single nourishing enhancement and vitamins, counsel your doctor before taking vitamin C enhancements to ensure it is alright for you.

Gastrointestinal Distress

Huge measurements of vitamin C, or ascorbic corrosive, taken at one time may cause gastrointestinal trouble, particularly in the event that you devour it on an unfilled stomach, as per the book, "Sustenance for Health, Fitness and Sport." Symptoms of gastrointestinal misery incorporate annoyed stomach, sickness, heartburn, stomach spasms, cerebral pains, exhaustion, looseness of the bowels and retching. These impacts are generally mellow and are identified with the acridity of vitamin C, which can be limited when taken with sustenance or when joined with a soluble base, for example, calcium ascorbate, to help kill the causticity.

Negative Effect on Performance

Vitamin C supplementation may negatively affect athletic execution. In a recent report distributed by the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," vitamin C supplementation diminished continuance limit in competitors. The specialists say the unfavorable impacts may be identified with vitamin C's ability to diminish the activity incited articulation of key factors that are engaged with the arrangement of new muscle cells, in this manner keeping a portion of the characteristic cell adjustments to work out.

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